Thoughts on the Game of Thrones Finale

Hey y'all! Okay, so Game of Thrones ended Sunday. What did I think? Let's get into it!

So, I actually forget how it begins. Oh yes I do, Tyrion is walking through the rubble of King's Landing and goes down underneath the palace to where the dragon skulls are kept. He digs through the rubble and finds Jaime and Cersei, entwined even in death. Tyrion sobs. I sob. It's an emotional scene and I felt so so bad for him because Tyrion is all alone in the world now. 

Well, then we zoom to Danerys making a speech to her soldiers how they're going to liberate the entire world. I'm just like...honey...noooo. Tyrion pops up out of nowhere, tells her off, and throws his pin down the stairs. I was like...Tyrion honey...noooo. So, Tyrion gets hauled off to prison. 

Jon has a good conversation with Tyrion and Tyrion basically gives it to him straight: ya gotta kill Dany. Jon goes to the throne room and Danerys tells a story about being a little girl. And the whole time I'm just like, y'all destroyed the character of Danerys and this is going to end so unfairly. And it did. Jon stabs her in the heart during their embrace. The look on her face was horrible and she dies. I'm pissed. The last remaining dragon knows what happened and he throws a dang fit, which I would too. He melts the Iron Throne with his fire (which I thought was beautifully symbolic) and then flies away with Dany, never to be seen again. I was crying at this too. The writers ruined Danerys' character and it was just so disgusting to see it end this way. 

Fast forward, Jon is in jail too. All the rulers across Westeros meet and haul Tyrion out of jail. They all eventually decided that BRAN should be king. WHy? What qualifies him? Nothing. Why not Arya or Sansa or hell, maybe, JON SNOW???? Nope, Bran. So Bran is like "whatevs, okay" and forces Tyrion to be his Hand. 

Zoom a few minutes ahead, doo doo doo, Sansa is Queen of the North (yay), Arya is going sailing around the world (cool), Bran is making Tyrion do everything leadership wise (figures), and Jon Snow...Jon gets to go BACK to where he started, with the Knight's Watch. And roam around the forest with the Wildlings (and Tormund, which I was happy to see again). The End. 

Ridiculous, stupid, a waste of Jon's character development (but since when has unraveling their writing stopped the writers before?), and BORING. Boo. Disappointed. 

Let's hope the prequel and any sequels will be WAY better and with different writers. Preferably a woman or two, so the sexual violence to further plots will stop?!

I'll end my rant here. Just disappointed. 


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