Everybody Rise Book Review

Hey bookworms! I'm here today with a review of Everybody Rise by Stephanie Clifford. This is a contemporary book set in NYC in 2006, before the recession of 2008. 

Our main character is Evelyn Beegan and we follow her journey of rising high in New York society and the eventual fall back down. We also follow her and her parent's journeys dealing with the repercussions of her lawyer father breaking the law and his court case. Also, there are allusions in the book to the stock market and housing bubble with her Wall Street friends, foreshadowing the 2008 recession.

I absolutely loved this book and how immersive it was. I felt like I was living in NYC with a bunch of rich people and living luxuriously. I really enjoyed Evelyn as a character, even though she wasn't perfect, she was REAL. The side characters were pretty well fleshed out, offering different perspectives. And most of all, I loved how the author showed Evelyn and her family coping with immense changes in life. The author showed that you can always accept, change, and adapt to any situation which I appreciate.

I'm giving this 4.5/5 stars and I highly recommend it!



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