The Light Pirate -First Five Star Read of the Year!-

 Hiya bookworms!! Today I'm celebrating reading my first 5 star read of the year, yippee!!! Let's review it shall we?

The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton. Wow, what a book. I found this at a thrift store and I'm now questioning why anyone would give it away?! lol. It is a book about a family living in Florida and how climate change is rapidly, well, changing Florida! It's a dystopian world, but very well will probably be our realistic future. It's at turns devastating and tragic, beautiful and hopeful. I don't want to give any of it away, just please read this and enjoy the journey.

The author does a fantastic job showing the beauty in the devastation, and while humans might not be all okay in the future world, Mother Nature will take care of Herself (as She always does) and She shall thrive once again. I absolutely adore the ending and much like Lily Brooks-Dalton other book, it made me cry ever so much. Can't rave about this enough, or express how talented Lily Brooks-Dalton is at writing climate fiction. Please read this book if you're at all interested! Full five stars, yay!


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