Mini Book Reviews: The Cutest Romance Ever & A Beautiful Post-Apocalyptic Story

 Hiya bookworms! I am back with a post about two books I've read recently, loved, and gave BOTH five full stars!!! Let's get into it!

Ready or Not Book Review 

We'll start with the romance first. It is called Ready or Not by Cara Bastone. This is about a woman named Eve who gets pregnant after a one night stand with Ethan (who is taking a break from his girlfriend), and Eve ends up falling in love (while pregnant) with her best friend's brother Shep (who has loved Eve since they were friends as kids growing up in the Midwest), but her best friend is struggling with miscarriages, so the situation is tumultuous and wow, the synopsis makes this sound SO messy and dramatic. But, I promise you, it is so not!!! This story and the characters are all so loveable and sweet, the character growth of everyone, and the way the relationships intertwine is so lovely. Eve is so funny and strong throughout her journey, Shep is an absolute sweetheart and the perfect boyfriend, Ethan is a big crybaby that makes me laugh and frustrated at different times. The book deals with some heavy themes like parent death and miscarriages, but it isn't depressing. The ending is SOOO perfect, it made me so happy. I wouldn't change a thing about this book, it was perfection. A full five stars!

Good Morning, Midnight Book Review

Then we have Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton. I went into this thinking that I wasn't going to like it at first, but wow, I loved this book. It's described as "a sparsely written post apocalyptic novel" and I feel like that is the best description for it. The author doesn't tell you what the apocalyptic event was and neither of the main characters have any idea either, so that really bonds you to them. One of our main characters is a scientist at a remote outpost in the Arctic, the other is an astronaut in outer space coming back from a mission to Jupiter. Obviously, this is set very far in the future technology-wise. The two settings are so desolate and isolating, even though they're so different, they are also quite eerily similar. The plot twist is absolutely magnificent, and both of the main character's endings are beautiful. There was a subtle sadness yet peaceful calm flowing throughout the story and I was greatly touched at the ending. I actually cried! A beautiful, wonderful book, I can't wait to read more from this author. Five full stars, I wouldn't change a thing about this book. I'd like to reread it again someday. 

Those are my mini book reviews of what I've read lately. How lucky am I, two 5 star reads back to back?! Yippee! Until next time, happy reading and have a groovy day!


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