Life Lately the Past Few Months

 Hiya bookworms! I’m typing this post on my phone for the first time ever!!! It’s kinda fun, like, I’m laying in bed and just typing what’s on my mind. Yay!! It’s changing my blogging game for sure! So, today, actually tonight, I wanted to chat about how life has been lately and give some updates. Let’s get into it!

December was a really good month! I absolutely love the holidays time. Basically Halloween to New Years is my fave time of year! My grandmother came to visit us in the beginning of December and she brought -on the plane- a very sweet and sleepy Pippa! Who is Pippa? Why, she’s our family’s newest fur baby! She’s a dog, part schnauzer part terrier and maybe part papillon? She’s about 2 years old. And she used to be my grandmothers dog but now she’s ours! My grandmother rescued her from a very awful living situation in Texas and helped her thrive and become healthy. My grandmother wanted her to have a permanent loving home and we wanted her just as badly! So here we are!

Isn’t she the cutest? I love her so very much! Our house felt so empty and sad after both of our cats passed away. It was very hard on us. Now, we have Pippa and she keeps us on our toes hahaha. She loves to play and has zoomies everyday and likes to chew on plastic things lol. So, that was the best holiday present ever! 

Our Christmas was very chill and mellow, it was so nice. My mom and I watched season 2 of Gilded Age. I haven’t even watched season 1! I need to cause season 2 was great! I will do a separate haul post of some holiday goodies I got! 

I’ve been busy decluttering my rooms and redecorating. It’s long overdue and fun! I went through all my books and coloring books and room decor (all of which I have a lot of lol). I’ll do a post of my rooms when all is finished and tidy! I’m going with a dark feminine chic look. My walls are a dark rich gray, and there’s a lot of black, grey, and pinkish reds in one room and black, gray, and blue in the other room. With a lot of pink accents as well. It’s girly and witchy! My two sides hehe. 

Next, I need to go through my closets and clothing. And my art and craft supplies! Then I should be organized. It’s all a work in progress. I find winter time is the best for declutter and decorating your nest. I struggle with coming up with goals in the dead of winter. I prefer to live by the astrological year, with Aries season being the start of the year in March/April. 

I have lots of ideas for blogging now and I’m so excited I can blog on mobile! This changes everything! I’ll be blogging a lot more now! It’s just past midnight and I really should be getting some sleep but I just wanted to write a little post. Oh! I forgot to update about how January was and is.

It was negative 30 degree windchill here for about a week or two!! It was miserable!!! Pippa’s poor little paws froze when we took her to go potty outside. I had two wear two pairs of pants and three shirts under all my outerwear to go outside. Now it’s back to 40 degrees and rain and clouds. No sun for a long time so far. I’ll be happy when spring comes…winter is very hard for me mentally. But I’ve been okay! Just a little tired and grumpy lol, but I feel myself adjusting and becoming me again.

So on that note, I will bid you all a very good night! I hope you’re all staying warm and enjoying the last few days of January of this new year. Until next time, good night! 


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