Mini Book Review & Weekly Goals

Hey y'all! Today I wanted to do a mini review of the first book I read in 2020 and then chat about some of my goals for this week! Let's get into it!

The first book I finished in 2020 is called Lucky by V.R. Street. It is available for free on kindle unlimited! It's about a couple named Kat and Michael and how their lives are changed after winning a mega lottery and going on a reality t.v. show about lottery winners. I gave this 3 stars out of 5. I thought it was a quick and easy read and entertaining throughout most of the book. I got annoyed with the characters a lot because Michael was a jerk and Kat wouldn't stand up for herself most of the book. This book is very dialogue heavy, which I don't particularly like. The ending was very rushed as well, but overall the book was a pretty good read! 

Now for this week, I have a lot of goals. First I really need to clean and finish unpacking my rooms and then organize everything I unpacked. I still have stuff laying around and it's annoying me!! Then I want to decorate my rooms and make everything look cozy. I need to start working on two art projects: a sharpie art piece and a painting piece. I need to continue doing my journaling. I need to read more and blog more. I think that's about it! 

I'm also currently working on some fun and easy paintings to hang in my room. I'll do a post all about those for ideas for wall decor! I also need to catch up on all the videos I have saved from December on YouTube. I have over 300 videos to watch lol! So all that will keep me busy for awhile. I hope you're all doing great and your week is going well! I'll talk to ya later! 



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