Mental Health & Diary Snippet #2

I'm too lazy to put an image in tonight, so tah dah, here I am imageless! Time for tonight's mental health and diary edition!

Mental Health:
Anxiety: Anxious most of the day, especially when I posted my mental health series on my blog. No sickness though so that's good!

Depression: I was pretty content today and looking forward to life. A little apprehensive but that's the anxiety I think. I just always feel like something bad is around the corner!!!

Schizoaffective Bipolar Type: I'm getting a little manic, which happens when I write a lot. Or rather, I write a lot because of the mania? Idk. I just have so many ideas flooding my mind and want to write so much! But, I'm trying to calm down and distract myself with journaling. I didn't hear any voices or sounds today, but I did see shadow people in my room late last night so I had to sleep with my closet light on to feel safe. Dang you, shadow people! Everytime I see them, I get a little paranoid and delusional that I'm possessed. I know I'm not...just...still. 

Today's Diary: I just looked out the window and saw we have pink clouds tonight. They look like cotton candy! I wish y'all could see them. Today was just a nice, chill day. I wrote out on the deck and breathed in the fresh air. Mitchell treated us to pizza tonight and we're probably going to rewatch The Office later. I really love my family and I'm really going to miss my dad when he leaves for work. It's all for the best though. 

Gratitude for the day: Thank you for me seeing how happy and excited my mom and dad are. It's very cute!

Highlight of the day: listening to Queen with my mom in the car on the way to Chik-Fil-A

Fact About Me: This is a fact about my mom edition: she is OBSESSED with Radio Gaga!!!

Song of the Day: Radio Gaga by Queen. "Radio Goo Goo, Radio Blah Blah!"

Alette :)


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