Keeping Positive!

Hey y'all! Today I wanted to talk about something important to me and I think it's a skill everyone should try to learn because it really does help change perspective on your life. Let's back up a bit and let me explain: the past 2 months have SUCKED! There, I said it. That doesn't sound very positive does it? Nope, but it's the truth. And the first step to being more positive is to accept your situation and present circumstances as the truth. Don't try to make things better than they actually are. It's okay to be in a dark period in life where nothing is going right! 

The past few months have been really hard for me mentally and relationship wise. It's been very stressful and I'll admit, I've totally fallen off my blogging game and run off and hid. Which sometimes, is just what your brain needs to recover and recharge. A bit of a rest and hibernation from daily life can work wonders! So let yourself do that if you feel it necessary. Now that I feel like I've wrapped my brain around things and processed it, I can now face it and work with it. 

Once you've rested, recharged, and accepted your negative situation, you can allow yourself to feel all the negative feelings that you need to. This is SO important in your journey to positivity. If you never allow yourself to feel the negative, to feel the hurt, sadness, anger, frustration, then it's all bottled up and swept under the carpet. And that's VERY unhealthy and harmful. So let yourself FEEL! Scream, cry, worry, yell, and then go take a good night's sleep. You'll need it, feeling is exhausting. 

The next day you'll feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. You'll feel better, at least a little bit, I guarantee it. Now, it's time to start being positive. You've dealt with the negative and I think it's important to say that you can continue dealing with the negative feelings, just in a structured way. Schedule in an hour a week where you can fret, cry, do whatever you need to do for that hour. Once the hour is up, you'll again feel a weight lifted and can go back to doing what you need to do. 

So, how exactly can one be more positive?! Start your morning with a yummy breakfast and a journal in a warm, snuggly spot. Write down affirmations such as "I am going to be okay" "Everything will resolve itself in time" "Things are going to get better" Write these over and over, repeat it to yourself too. Filling your mind with these affirmations will reassure you and comfort you, which is the key to being more positive. Create a mantra to repeat to yourself throughout the day which you can whisper to yourself when things get overwhelming. My personal mantra is "Everything's okay". It can be as simple as that. 

Working out and listening to upbeat, positive, and pumped up music is another thing that helps me stay positive. Anytime you start devolving into a pit of worry, go on a walk with your music and imagine yourself conquering your problems and continuing your happy life. Positive imagery really does help and it's been proven to help you in real life. 

If you are religious or spiritual, find comfort in your faith. In dark times, throw yourself into your faith and do what you need to. Pray, faith journal, create a positive ritual, do anything that brings comfort to your soul. If you aren't religious or spiritual, find comfort in nature. Nature has been proven to bring peace and comfort to us humans, so relish in the gentle breeze, warm sunshine, birds chirping. It will all be okay. 

The last thing I do to stay positive is give myself a little treat each and every day during the hard time. It can be a piece of chocolate, a drink, a spray of new perfume, a warm bubble bath, anything! I usually reserve my treat for the end of the day so I have something to look forward to and work towards. This little bit of happiness during an otherwise bad day, fuels the positivity in you! Please, try it, you're worth it :)

Those are my tips for keeping positive! I do hope this helps and if you're going through a hard time too, hang in there, it'll be okay, I promise. I'll see y'all later, have a great day!



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