Recharge & Relax! Also, Hemp Oil for Cats???

My baby Nutmeg!

Hi there y'all! Geez, what day is it? What year is it??? Sorry, now that the holidays are over and things are back to the daily grind, my body decided to crash and sleep for about 15 hours straight. Waking up at 1 pm was very disorienting. But you know what? I'm a firm believer that your body knows what's best for you and it's good to listen to it. Especially if you suffer from physical or mental illnesses, like I do. 

Don't ever feel guilty for taking a lazy day where all you do is sleep and recharge. The body needs days like that to survive and function properly! American society will tell you that you should be working day in and day out, being a productive citizen and making that $$$. I've always thought that's an unhealthy mentality. Nothing is more important than your health and happiness, not being "productive" and "successful" by society's standards. I could write forever about everything I disagree with society about but that would be entirely too much lol. The point I'm trying to make is, make this the year that you stop feeling guilty for resting, recharging, and taking care of yourself. It'll change your world, I promise!

Besides sleeping, I got some groceries from the store with my brother and then we went on a walk outside together. That's another tip for anyone with mental/physical health issues, get some fresh air and sunshine each day! You don't even have to go on a walk or do a strenuous activity, simply sitting in the sun and reading a book or coloring or gardening is perfect too. It helps my health so much and makes me feel at peace and grounded when I connect with nature. 

Speaking of nature and natural things, let's talk about...hemp oil! No, no, no, not for me! It's for my cats! Yeah, you read that right, my cats. I didn't even know this was a thing until last week. My vet, who is super nice and excellent at what he does, talked about my cats having anxiety and stress problems. The solution? Hemp oil! Yep, humans can use it too, at least here in Colorado they can. And yes, it's made from cannabis. But I have to say it has worked wonders for my kitties. 

I have two calico cats, Nutmeg and Ginger. Both are sensitive, sweet babies and Nutmeg even suffers from anxiety attacks where she twitches and bites her tail and screams. Ginger gets painful bladder infections from her stress and anxiety. Needless to say, me and my family were totally open to any solution to help them. So, for the past week, I've been dropping a few drops of the hemp oil they gave us onto their meals. And it works! It smells like a horrid skunk juice stench, but they eat it right up. Nutty hasn't had any anxiety attacks so far and Ginger's infection cleared right up (with the help of antibiotics). They curl up to go to sleep right after eating and are happy as can be, it's great!

It's such a weird, funny, and kind of controversial topic but I really recommend hemp oil for your dog or cat if they suffer from stress and anxiety and you've tried everything else to help them. Of course, this will only be legal if you live in good old Colorado...or Washington I think. Not sure where pot is legal at, but you'll know for your area. 

Speaking of my kitties, I better go feed them dinner! I hope y'all are having a great 2nd day into the New Year :) 

I'll see ya tomorrow!
Alette :)


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