Just Exist, You're Enough!

"An Apron of Roses" by George Gordon Fraser

Good evening y'all! I'm writing a bit late today, more so than usual. I had a horrible night's sleep and ended up taking a long nap later on and the day just kinda got away from me. I'm not sure if my depression is slowly creeping back. Because that's always how it happens for me...depression creeps up on ya so by the time you realize you're enveloped in a dark mass of sadness, apathy, and negativity, it's a little too late. Ah well, I'll just keep an eye on that. 

Anyway, what I'm going to talk about today is being "enough". I've really struggled with this lately and I'm sure anyone else who's disabled and can't work a "regular" job has struggled with this too. Society tells us that if you exist on this planet then you need to work, make money, be productive, be social, create, inspire, etc. Then and only then, are you considered to be doing enough in society and being a productive citizen. I say screw that. 

Just by being born and existing in this realm qualifies as being enough and doing enough. You don't owe anyone anything and you don't have to prove anything to anyone. Your presence in this world is more than enough. By putting worth into how much money and work one can make totally diminishes the human spirit. Spirit places worth on love, peace, enjoyment. The little things we all take for granted but should work harder on achieving. The things that truly matter!

So I've given myself permission this year to stop trying create and make and work and prove things to people and earn money and notoriety because guess what? I'm not able to do any of that in the first place! Mental and physical health issues have ravaged my mind and body and I've finally accepted that I'm not able to work and provide for myself. And that's okay! I'm enough and I don't need to work to prove to anyone that I have worth. 

And anyone out there that's mentally ill, physically ill, or hopelessly unemployed, remember that you're enough, just as you are. Work and productivity don't define you or your worth. Please remember that and take it to heart :) I know, it's hard existing in this society as an outsider of sorts, but just try to ignore what everyone else says and focus on what's best for you. 

And on that note, I'm going to watch VEEP some more (such a funny show) and treat myself to a cherry ICEE! I hope everyone has a great night!

See ya tomorrow y'all, 
Alette :)


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