Happy New Year!
"Winter Dance" by Christa Kieffer
Happy New Year and welcome to 2018!!! A new year, a new beginning, it sure feels good! Also, a new blog...welcome to Bookish Munchkin! I'm challenging myself to blog daily about anything and everything. I hope to have some fun, meet new people, and who knows what else?
As this is the first day of the New Year, I figured what could be better than a New Year's Resolution post? Cliche I know, but I think it would be fun for me to look back at my goals at the end of this year and see if I (hopefully) did anything to achieve them.
So without further ado, here's my resolutions!!!
1. Self Care and Self Love
I'm going to start caring for myself and loving who I am, flaws and all. I've spent so long trying to change things about myself and guess what? It never works! So this year, I'm going to accept myself for who I am, care for me, and love me! I'm going to have a pamper night once a week where I do face masks, paint my nails, deep condition my hair, all that fun stuff. I'm going to be more gentle and understanding of myself and pay better attention to my mental health. I've been mean to myself and I'm determined to change that this year!
2. Blog Everyday (or almost)
This is quite daunting to me BUT I'm going to try and do it! I love writing and sharing my opinions so why not do it on my little corner of the internet? It's kind of daunting to start a blog in 2018 with no special skills (lol) but I'm just going to have some fun! I'm not going to be intimidated by the blogs that are perfectly curated and professionally run.
3. Accept My Place in Life and Just "Be"
I could write multiple posts about this but simply put, I find it's very important for myself to accept where I am in life and what I'm doing and to just let myself be.
4. Have Fun!
Too often do I feel guilty for having fun and being excited and happy. I'm sure that speaks loads about my mental state but ah well, I'm being honest here. I'm going to give myself permission this year to have fun and enjoy myself. Life is way too short to police your happiness and enjoyment levels.
That's about it! I know, I know, my goals might seem easy to most people but goodness, isn't life hard enough without placing near impossible goals that you're going to nearly kill yourself to achieve? 2018 should be the year we all are going to be kinder to ourselves and each other. We desperately need to!
And on that note, I'm going to make some crab and scalloped stuffed sole fillets (and by make I mean throw in an oven premade and hope for the best) and enjoy a cozy dinner with a great book. Enjoy your New Year and remember, don't be too hard on yourself!
See y'all tomorrow,
Alette :)
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